Nokia N9 16GB - Write with the virtual keyboard

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Write with the virtual keyboard
Select a text input field.

1 Character keys

2 Shift key

3 Symbol key

4 Space key

5 Enter key

6 Backspace key

Insert an upper case character when writing in lower case, or vice versa
Select the shift key before inserting the character. To activate caps lock mode, select

the key twice. The shift key is highlighted. To return to normal mode, select the shift

key again.

Enter a number or a special character
Select the symbol key. To view more symbols, select the 1/2 key.

Tip: To quickly add a number or a commonly used special character, select the symbol

key, and slide your finger to the character without lifting. When your lift your finger,

the character is inserted, and the keyboard returns to the normal text view.


Basic use

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Enter an accented character
Select and hold the character to which you want to add an accent, and slide your finger

to the desired accented character without lifting.

Delete a character
Select the backspace key.

Change the font
In some applications, such as Mail and Notes, you can change the font. Select the text

input field, and from the pop-up menu, select the desired option. To change the font

of an individual word, drag to select the word, and select and the desired option.

Copy and paste text
In a text input field, drag to select the text you want to copy, and from the pop-up

menu, select


. To paste the text, select a text input field, then select the place

where you want to paste the text, and from the pop-up menu, select



Use several writing languages
Select and

Time and language


Text input


Installed input methods

, then select

the writing languages.

If you have selected more than one writing language, you can switch between


Change the writing language
Place a finger beyond the left or right edge of the touch screen, and drag your finger

across over the virtual keyboard.

Close the virtual keyboard
Flick the virtual keyboard down, or tap outside the text input field.

Tip: To place the cursor precisely where you want to, select and hold the text, until a

magnifier is displayed. Without lifting your finger, drag the cursor to the desired


Basic use